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If I was born into a Christian Family does this automatically guarantee my eternal salvation?

The answer is no. People of the world no one is born a Christian. How can you be born a Christian when you cannot even speak or walk at birth? It’s foolishness! People of the world you come into this world with no knowledge. Why would God demand that all of humanity must repent of their sins by placing their faith in his Son Jesus if we were already saved? If we were already Christians at birth, then there would be no point to have faith in Jesus, right? Because we are already saved. People of the world listen to God "The only thing that you are born with at birth is sin (Psalm 51:5).” Some mistakenly believe that they are Christians by birth, simply because they belong to a Christian family and this is just not so. People of the world listen to me very closely “Everyone must individually accept Jesus Christ in their lives for themselves.” Therefore, your father or your mothers’ faith in Jesus cannot and will not save you. Therefore, do not depend on their faith for your eternal salvation, but rather depend on God and put your trust and faith in his Son Jesus the Christ for yourself. Once again I say unto you people of the world “You must receive the Son of God for yourself. Read (John 1:12) (John 3:16) (1 John 5:11-13) (Romans 10:9-13) (John 8:24) (John 10:9) (John 11:25) (John 14:6) (Romans 1:16-17) .”

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